EnSofic Ray / Reiki

This is the complete Reiki healing system from the Modern Mystery School lineage that accesses the Ensofic energy. The ray of Ensof is the highest and most powerful ray of light. It is the first ray of creation. It is pure, limitless light that holds all potential within it.

The power of the Ensofic Ray Healing Modality:

  • Releases toxins and pain held within the physical body.
  • Clears and heals negative thoughts and patterns
  • Penetrates to the core to activate the codes of divinity within each person
  • Re-orients the body, soul, and spirit for absolute alignment
  • Works well for those lacking passion for life, lacking desire, feeling off-track from their potential, or stuck in a rut.
  • Awakens the desire and increases connection to beauty and love.
  • Infuses the 12 rays of creation within the Soul and Spirit Body.
  • Assists with rewriting your Book of Life

The 3-session protocol has incredible results with aiding in manifestation, abundance and improving physical health conditions. Sessions are spaced at least 7 days apart over the course of 3-4 weeks.

Available by Appointment

Contact MMS MSP:



7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Suite 240, Edina MN 55439