Fall Equinox Wicca Ceremony

Join us in a special ceremony to honor the Autumnal Equinox and season of Mabon within the Wiccan calendar. Mabon is the time of the 2nd harvest of the year. It is a transition to the next quarter where the strength of the Sun’s light diminishes until we reach the Winter Solstice and the re-birth of the Sun.

At this point we celebrate the 2nd harvest of the year, a time of thanksgiving, gratitude and balance.

We will be gathering together for a special ceremony and meditation to bring these energies into our lives and support our journey through the year.

Date: Thursday, Sept 19th
Time: 7pm-8:30pm
Pre-register: $25 / Walk-in: $35
Location: Modern Mystery School MSP – 7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Edina MN 55439 – Main Floor Conference Room

Click here to register