Sacred Geometry: Level 1

The art of Sacred Geometry is the language of the universe. It is a process of infusing matter with spirit. In this class you will learn about the building blocks of creation – the sphere, cube, and pyramid – and receive an energetic activation to bring these patterns more fully alive in your energy field. You will also be introduced to a technique to bring more light and positive energy into your space, creating energetic walls to protect and enhance the energy in the space.

By working with the energy of your space you can create a more peaceful and healthy environment. Many people find it easier to focus and relax in a space that has been activated.

In this class you will learn to:

  • Gain insight into the art of Sacred Geometry and how it can enhance your life.
  • Activate the keys to creation within your physical body.Work with these keys using a practical technique to raise your vibration
  • Learn a technique to activate the keys within a room or building to shift the energy. Raise the vibration, and provide energetic protection from outside influences.
  • Discover the art of using an altar to anchor spiritual energies and anchor your personal spiritual practice.
  • Receive a ritual to create temple energy for your personal spiritual practice.

These teachings have been handed down through an ancient unbroken lineage. This is the first level of Sacred Geometry studies within the Modern Mystery School, and a prerequisite for Healer’s Academy training.

Investment: $175