Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension

Unlock the Secrets of Creation & Transform Your Life: A Year-Long Journey of Spiritual Evolution

The Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is an ancient spiritual system designed to unlock your divine potential. Rooted in the sacred teachings of the Modern Mystery School Lineage, this powerful year-long program guides you through the Tree of Life, providing the keys to greater wisdom, self-mastery, and manifestation.

Through this journey, you will gain clarity, deeper self-awareness, and the tools to create profound change in your life. Whether you seek personal transformation, greater alignment with your purpose, or an expanded connection to the divine, the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah  Ascension program provides a structured and effective path to achieve it.

What is the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah?

The Universal Kabbalah is a sacred system of spiritual progression that has been used by initiates of the Mystery School for thousands of years. It offers a map of consciousness through the Tree of Life, allowing you to navigate the different aspects of yourself, elevate your vibration, and break free from limitations.

Key benefits of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah program:

  • Gain deeper self-awareness and clarity on your life’s purpose.

  • Overcome old patterns and limitations that have held you back.

  • Learn powerful manifestation techniques to create the life you desire.

  • Expand your intuition and connection with the divine.

  • Strengthen your spiritual foundation with ancient teachings.

  • Join a community of dedicated seekers on the path of enlightenment.

Program Structure & Retreats

This year-long program consists of four in-person classes and ascensions through the Tree of Life. These transformational weekends are spaced throughout the year to allow for deep integration and personal growth.

October 25-26, 2025

Class 1

Saturday October 25th &
Sunday October 26th

    Ascension into Malkuth

    February 28th, 2026 

    Class 2

    Saturday, February 28th

    Ascensions into Yesod, Hod, Netzach, and Tiphareth

    June 6th, 2026 

    Class 3

    Saturday, June 6th

    Ascensions into Geburah and Chesed

    October 2-4, 2026 

    Class 4

    Friday, Oct 2nd-Sunday Oct 4th

    Ascensions into Binah, Chokmah and Kether

    Study Groups: Integrating the Teachings

    As an essential part of the Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah Ascension Program, Study Groups serve as a bridge between the ascension weekends, offering additional insights and opportunities for integration.

    There are 11 Study Groups, included in your tuition, spaced approximately four weeks apart between ascension classes.

    These sessions deepen your understanding of the Holy Sephiroth, helping you apply the wisdom of Kabbalah to daily life.

    Each group session features guided contemplations, discussions, and exercises to solidify your transformation.

    Study Groups are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-9:30pm CST via Zoom and are highly recommended for maximum benefit.

    While the in-person Ascension Classes are required to officially complete the program, Study Groups provide essential support for your journey.

    Mark Your Calendar: Study Group Dates

    Malkuth – October 29, 2025

    Yesod – December 3, 2025

    Hod – January 7, 2026

    Netzach – January 28, 2026

    Tiphareth – February 11, 2026

    Geburah – April 1, 2026

    Chesed – April 29, 2026

    Daath – June 24, 2026

    Binah – July 15, 2026

    Chokmah – August 26, 2026

    Kether – September 16, 2026

    Pre-Requisites to Kabbalah Ascension:

    To embark on this profound journey, participants must complete the following foundational programs:

    *Discounted pricing is available for those who have attended Healers Academy and are Certified Life Activation Practitioners (LAPs). See upcoming opportunities to attend Healers Academy to receive this discount.

    If you have not yet completed these, we can help you get started before the program begins!



      The investment is the same rate for each of the classes 1 through 4. There will be an additional expense for the final retreat. 
      Registrants will be notified with that amount as soon as the cost is confirmed. 

      *if you are fully paid for an upcoming Healers Academy program or are a certified Life Activation Practitioner (LAP), you will receive discounted pricing.

      Register by May 1st, 2025 and receive a Tree of Life Altar Plate as free gift!

      Early Registration Countdown








      CLASS 1

      Sat, Oct 25th 2025
      Sun, Oct 26th 2025

      FOR ADEPTS: $1300


      CLASS 2

      Sat, Feb 28th 2026

      FOR ADEPTS: $1300


      CLASS 3

      Sat, June 6th 2026

      FOR ADEPTS: $1300



      Fri-Sun, Oct 2-4th 2026

      FOR ADEPTS: $1300



      OPTION 1:
      Pay as You Go

      Register with a $400 deposit before each ascension class. Remaining balance is due by class start date.

      NOTE: Retreat costs will be an additional fee

      OPTION 2:

      Pay $306/month for 17 months

      NOTE: Retreat costs will be an additional fee

      OPTION 3:

      Pay $190/month for 17 months

      NOTE: Retreat costs will be an additional fee

      *All online payments include 3.5% credit card processing fees
      *All payments are non-refundable, and non-transferable

      Already completed a Kabbalah Ascension program with the Modern Mystery School?

      Click the button below to apply to audit the ascension journey.

      Meet Your Kabbalah Teacher

      Ambassador Eric Thompson

      Ambassador Eric Thompson is a guide, teacher, entrepreneur, and part of leadership of the Modern Mystery School, a worldwide organization with representation in over 46 countries around the world.

      He is an international teacher and speaker having brought powerful transformational teachings to 1000’s of people in Brazil, Canada, the United States, Romania, United Kingdom and Israel.

      Eric worked in Hollywood as a sound engineer, doing sound work in films with famous actors and actresses. He lived among celebrities, in a world of illusions and fantasies.

      “I had a great car, a big house, and a great salary.

      But even though everyone thought I was the guy, I was living an unhappy life, full of ups of downs, far more downs than ups…So down that I hit rock bottom.”

      He used drugs, was extremely controlling and jealous.

      “Nobody could stand me, and I couldn’t stand myself.

      Until the day I decided to change everything.”

      Ambassador Eric helps you to unlock keys to knowing yourself so that you can eliminate what is blocking you from your desires and becoming your true self. One of his best strengths is in making esoteric teachings very practical and applicable in the physical world. Helping you to get results is his top priority.

      Kabbalah Ascension with the Modern Mystery School

      Student Stories of Transformation

      Universal Kabbalah has shifted my entire experience of life. The clarity, focus, and discipline that I’ve achieved in less than a year were goals that I couldn’t achieve through over 15 years of therapy! This sacred process has given me real tools to uplevel my ability to manifest my Highest Good, to clean out my subconscious, and truly create my journey on Earth moment to moment. If you seek to be the captain of your ship and the writer of your story, this is it.”

      Jonathon G. Itchon

      “The Universal Kabbalah Program helps you to figure out what you really want in life, and then how to create it. It’s not just taking a class for knowledge – it’s an investment in yourself. You’ll get so much in return because of it. It had a lasting affect on my career, my relationship with my wife, and the way I parent our children.” 

      “It was the most profound experience of learning about myself – what holds me back and what moves me forward to accomplish my goals.

      As a result, I shifted a core issue, which was related to apathy and not having the courage to take action in my life.  

      I wanted to create a new home to live in and I did it! It had everything that I wanted. I manifested I using the tools of Kabbalah!

      I was extremely skeptical about the program before the class started. I needed proof that things can change, and that proof was given to me in Kabbalah.“ 
      – Kelly Aho    

      Kelly & Brandon Aho

      “Everything from my life changed from the Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program. 

      My experience with Kabbalah helped me create the perfect job!  I wanted to make 3x more and drive less miles to get there – and then it happened. The job that didn’t seem possible actually did exist. The job was exactly what I wanted!

      I struggled with my weight my whole life and I did everything to change it – I saw different doctors and nothing worked. My wish for Universal Kabbalah Ascension Program was to heal my physical body. I’ve lost more than 100 pounds in 6 months because of Kabbalah. I used everything I learned from Kabbalah to find out what was wrong with me and then find the solution. I had self-esteem issues and I didn’t feel like I was strong enough and now I know that I am. It wasn’t about beauty – it was about my health. 

      I want everyone to experience Kabbalah because it takes you from studying about energy to actually creating what you want in the physical.  If you have any doubts you have the proof with what you creatExit Visual Buildere and experience during the ascension program.”

      Vanessa Fleischman

      “Kabbalah advanced my personal development and manifestation by tenfold. I became the best version of myself, and continue to progress. My professional and personal life are more rewarding. I have more self confidence and self love than I ever had.

      I will take Kabbalah again and again because of the benefits; it is so worth the time and money. The results speak for themselves!”

      Katelyn B.

      “It’s been over a year since completing the Universal Kabbalah Ascension, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue to meet with my fellow Kabbalists each quarter. In June we used our tools from Kabbalah and did a special ceremony for 10 wishes. I truly believe this helped with the events that followed.

      On July 5th we received an offer on our home for $5000 dollars over our asking price. One of my ten wishes was that we would receive an offer of our listing price and more within the next month or months.

      That next week we found a home in Lakeville that completely fits our needs and it is in the price range we needed to be in. In my wish list I wished for a home that was perfect for us.

      My husband is going to trucking school and will be taking his CDL test soon. A job offer came through for him that is in trucking but he will be able to be home every night. He is so excited about trying something different. In my 10 wishes I wished for him to find that spark in life again and to find a job that would fulfill him and bring him purpose whether it is in his current field or in something else.”

      Mikki Ebel

      “I built true authentic friendships as a result of the Universal Kabbalah instead of shallow friendships I attracted in the past.  I went from not forgiving people in my life, which only held me back – to actually finding a way to forgive. 

       In addition, my inner guidance really opened up and I received so much information during dream time.  I love what the Universal Kabbalah did for me, and I will be using the tools from the class for a long time.”

      Sheena Burnside

      “Finally my life was making sense! The Kabbalah program gave me a roadmap to the answers I was seeking. It gave me the tools to assist me with future challenges, unanswered questions and a way to move forward in life with confidence and faith that I was heading in the right direction. It has brought me peace and a sense of calm and knowing that I never had before.

      It brought me to say yes to an invitation to partner in an equine therapy business, facilitating healing for humans, which is incredibly rewarding. I continue to use the tools I learned in Kabbalah to guide me in moving forward with my business with success. My way of moving through life has forever changed and
      now I move forward with grace and ease.”

      Linda Brown

      “Kabbalah is the source code of all creation.  Once you’re able to look at your life, the world, creation, and spirituality through the lens of the tree of life, you’re able to understand your place in the universe with clarity, hope, and true empowerment!

      You have the keys to your own kingdom.  Studying Universal Kabbalah has made me a better mystic, magician, leader–a better person. 

      During my experience with the year long program, I saw more personal transformation than most humans likely have in an entire lifetime.”

      Vanessa Nova

      “Ascending up the Tree is like embarking on a long journey with your very best friend at your side.

      That friend who is always with you even when you can’t see them, always wants to see you succeed, will tell you the honest truth and show you that you are capable of more than you ever imagined.

      Even at your worst, this friend will love you and pick you up. When you win she will celebrate you and unlock treasures.

      Kabbalah ascension is your secret weapon at winning the game of life.”

      Zuyapa Jackson

      “I took the Kabbalah Program the first time in 2012 with the focus of developing greater self-assurance and create a healthy romantic partnership. By the end of the journey, I felt like a totally new person as so much had changed along the way. I had grown and realized so much about myself, I started making really positive shifts in my life. 

       I met my husband a month after completing this program, and during the process, I was able to leave my cubicle job and start my own business. Within 18 months, it grew to a full time job, and I now have 11 employees and continue to explore what I’m passionate about while being financially supported by my business. One of the best things of all was how much I improved my relationship with myself. Self-love was a huge theme for me and it grew in leaps and bounds. I feel more like myself now, and greater self-love improves all aspects of life. I didn’t even realize how much better it could get. 

      I can’t recommend this class enough!  The benefits continue to unfold.”

      Genevieve Wachutka

      Universal Kabbalah through the Modern Mystery School saved my life; period. I’ve ascended the Tree of Life through this Lineage program multiple times and each time brings me more deeply into myself, saving and loving pieces that would otherwise go untouched, uninhabited and unempowered and bringing true love and joy to my heart. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that without Universal Kabbalah in my life, I would be living as a shell of my potential.”

      Casey O'Connell

      Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah

      Recommended Webinars

      Ready to begin?

      Is Kabbalah Right for You?

      This program is for Seekers who are ready to expand their consciousness and take their spiritual evolution to the next level. If you are:

      • Looking for proven tools for manifestation and spiritual growth.

      • Ready to clear limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.

      • Seeking a structured path to enlightenment with authentic lineage-based teachings.

      • Excited to connect with a community of like-minded individuals…

      Then Universal Hermetic Ray Kabbalah is for you!

      Take the First Step Toward Your Transformation

      This is more than just a class—it’s a profound initiatory experience that will shift your consciousness, awaken your divine potential, and accelerate your journey of self-mastery.

      Don’t wait—your transformation begins now.

      Reserve Your Spot Today!

      For questions or more details, contact Genevieve at info@modernmysteryschoolmsp.com or call 763-222-8600.

      Available by Appointment

      Questions? Contact MMS MSP:



      7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Suite 240, Edina MN 55439