Sacred Geometry Level 2

The Art of Crystal Magick

Sacred Geometry 2: Crystal Healing

Sacred Geometry is an exploration into the LANGUAGE OF THE UNIVERSE – gaining a metaphysical understanding of the patterns, frequencies, and vibrations that shape our physical world. It is an exploration to the keys of creation, and an expression of the divine.

The crystal kingdom is a powerful ally for wielding the principles of Sacred Geometry.

An in-depth exploration of crystal magick

Crystal Healings

In this class, receive the keys for two crystal healing modalities to use for self-healing and to share with others.

The GEMSTONE HEALING session is  gentle yet powerful, working with the frequency of particular gemstones to attune the client’s energy field for physical, emotional, and mental healing, for greater empowerment, improving relationship with time and space, and libido. The practitioner scans the client to identify which stones to use, placing the stones on the client, and activating them to begin working with the client’s energy.

The CRYSTAL RITES session uses twin crystals and an ancient mantra to direct energy for releasing and moving through emotional trauma, and to bring positive energy for the future. 

Enhancing the energy in your home

Crystal Gridding

Crystal grids create an energetic sanctuary in your home or office space. This ancient technique installs a permanent crystal grid using sacred geometry patterns and mantras to activate energetic walls to raise the vibration in your space and support greater focus, clarity, healing, and connection to divine, spiritual energies. 

This builds on the GRIDDING AND SEALING technique handed down with Sacred Geometry Level 1.

Akashic Record reading with twin crystals

Intuitive Reading

Trust your innate intuition as you work with twin crystals to tap into your client’s akashic records and answer questions for clarity and guidance. 

Twin crystals grow from the same cluster and provide a connection, as you and your client each hold one of the twin crystals.

What to Expect

Learn Sacred Geometry tools for crystal healing in this full day workshop. Sacred Geometry Level 2 dives into crystal magick, where you learn tools to tap into the healing power of crystals. Experience an immersion in working with gemstones and crystals to enhance daily life.

What is Sacred Geometry? Sacred Geometry is a universal language of energy, frequency, and vibration. We see it in patterns, harmonies, shape and sound. As rays of light travel through the universe, they slow down, eventually forming physical materia.

Note: Sacred Geometry Level 1 is a prerequisite. See calendar for upcoming opportunities.

Class Cost: $550

*includes crystals for healing sessions


Amethyst Crystal

What clients say


“I love what the multi-layered Sacred Geometry curriculum offers both energetically and in terms of its practical takeaways.

The keys I received, as well as the tools and techniques I learned, have helped me explore deeper levels of healing in my personal life. They’ve also played a role in expanding the services I offer my clients–becoming marvelous jumping off points for creative collaboration with other wellness practitioners.

Specifically, I’ve observed exciting and meaningful results in my clients from the gemstone healing sessions, and I love being able to offer spatial healing and protection via crystal grids. This class is an incredible wealth of information!”

Erin Anderson

“The Sacred Geometry training has helped immensely in my daily life and work. It keeps the vibe up in my art and meditation studio and helps make it feel so good that people don’t want to leave!

If you love crystals (which I do) you will love this class. And if you don’t, you will by the end.  I use the crystal healings on family and friends and have seen tremendous results. Alleviation of major anxiety and phobias, relief from pain and help with addiction symptoms (getting them to subside). I also practice the twin crystal intuitive readings – they are very accurate. I highly recommend this class to anyone and everyone.

Jeana Sommers

“I absolutely love Sacred Geometry.  I have taken advanced Sacred Geometry training with Sarah.  She is an amazing teacher and I have learned so much from these classes. 

 I especially love the Gemstone Practitioner Training. I took this training for myself not thinking that I would actually offer it at my work as a Registered Nurse. I was pleasantly surprised I was able to use it at work. I have done many sessions with clients using the tools and crystals from this class.  There has been great feedback from clients after these sessions in regards with feeling more calm, having more energy and sleeping better.

I will always recommend Sacred Geometry sessions with any new client that I will serve because I know that it works.”

Mikki Ebel

“My favorite part of this class was performing and receiving the crystal reading technique. I was surprised at how easy it was to channel divine energy to read someone else’s path, especially since I do not consider myself as someone with psychic abilities. This course has proven to me that I am a women of power and I have the tools I need to create sacred space wherever I roam.”

Nikolet Johnson

“The training was definitely worth the money. It was packed full of tools that I’ve used for personal use and my business. I’d recommend this to anyone that likes crystals and is curious about ancient ways to use them. You won’t find this information online or anywhere else.”

Janelle Klander

I loved taking this course! I learned so many amazing skills and tools and I have continued to use them on a regular basis. The Sacred Geometry Crystal Gridding was probably my favorite aspect and something I have thoroughly enjoyed using, not just in my own space but in other places as well.

As a professional home cleaner I am very aware and sensitive to the feel of different spaces and the energy of people’s homes. Crystal Gridding is an amazing way to shift the vibration of a space. You can really feel it! You also learn gemstone healing techniques to do for others and yourself. 

This class is so much fun! Genevieve and Sarah are amazing teachers and healers. They do such a beautiful job of sharing this knowledge and bringing joy to the class. I love all the Modern Mystery School courses for what they offer but this one was definitely one of my favorites. I can’t recommend it enough!

Emma Eldridge

Available by Appointment

Questions? Contact MMS MSP:


7801 East Bush Lake Rd, Suite 240, Edina MN 55439