In 2012 I first came across the concept of a Mystery School. I was intrigued by the idea of an ancient tradition of metaphysical wisdom, with practical tools that I could use to support my own healing and growth.
The thing that excited me the most, was the unbroken thread of wisdom, the direct handing down of the teachings throughout the ages. I felt the depth of this continuity in the first class I attended. There was a sense of connection to those who have walked the path before me, seeking the hidden knowledge and tools, that become visible for those who are ready. I felt this during the class, and also, in the palpable shift in energy I experienced when working with the tools I’d received when I took them home and used them.
Ultimately it was with a noticeable shift in my mental and emotional state that continued long after the class was done that I went back to my teacher and asked, what’s next? And so I began a journey deeper into the mysteries, walking the Path of Progression.
To Know Thyself
Throughout the ages, ancient wisdom teachings have been maintained to assist humans with the process of excavating the self…to discover the strongest, purest expression of spirit. This is what the alchemists referred to as the Philosopher’s Stone. It is the process of transmuting our lead into gold.
It takes a seeker willing to examine the contents of one’s heart and mind. To do the work, through daily choices and practices that allow one to transmute the pollution of the mind. We can have accelerated progress on this path when we:
- Establish a regular meditation practice
- Examine our biases and opinions
- Face the fears and limitations that keep you playing small
The Path of Initiation within an ancient Mystery School lineage supports us in this process, accelerating tangible shifts within our life, and raising our baseline for life to new heights.
What is the Path of Initiation?
The human experience is full of mysteries. This element of the unknown is like a present to unwrap, and in that seeking we find the heart of life within us. Perhaps THIS is our purpose. To grow and evolve, shining light on the human experience, and doing the work to continually refine ourselves toward a more loving expression of our spirit.
The Path of Initiation is an ancient process of alchemy. It is a handing down of spiritual keys and tools from an unbroken Mystery School lineage going back to the time of King Salomon and beyond.
The First Steps:
- Life Activation – the journey begins with a private healing session. This session brings light into your DNA and turns on this divine blueprint within. It awakens potentials within you, setting new energies in motion. This activation also provides greater clarity, as we strengthen our connection with our true essence.
- Empower Thyself Initiation – this is a two-day class where you receive foundational teachings from this ancient lineage, energetic keys to transform your energy structure, and tools begin working with energy in a new way. This initiation opens channels of light to flow into your life, setting you onto a path of accelerated growth and transformation. You gain greater awareness and tools to shift into greater alignment with your true self every day.
As an adept initiation, doors open for you to receive deeper teachings within the lineage. This path is about progression, coming to know ourselves as the divine beings that we are and living this truth every day.
The next steps available after Empower Thyself are:
- Healers Academy Initiation – an immersive 5-day program within a very special healing temple space. During this program you’ll receive the handing down for the Life Activation modality, a service you can share with others to activate greater potential within. This 2nd step initiation brings another 10x more light into your structure, and this initiation supports us in stepping into greater service in the world.
- Universal Kabbalah – Experience a transformational journey through the Tree of Life! The Universal Kabbalah Ascension is a 10-month program and is one of the best tools within the lineage for gaining awareness of the subconscious patterns and programming that keep us stuck. This program goes beyond learning about Kabbalah, and brings you through an ascension journey to work closely with your Tree of Life. Transform and transmute the negative patterns, gain greater awareness of your truth, connection to your divinity, your relationship with God, and live life fully alive!
After completing Healers Academy Level 1: 2nd Step Initiation, more doors within the lineage open. From here you can continue forward on the Healers Path, receiving more healing tools to share with others, and eventually stepping forward for Guide Initiation. As a Guide, you are dedicated to the highest level of service, and have the ability to hand down the Empower Thyself Initiation to others, supporting others on the Path of Progression.
If you feel called, after receiving your Healers Academy Initiation, you may also embark onto the Ritual Master Path. This is the path of the Spiritual Warrior and higher magick. The Ritual Master holds the line between good and evil, transmuting negative energies within our own lives, and in service for humanity. This process begins within our own mind. Standing up to the negative ego, and mastering one’s self so we can be of the highest service in our lives and for all of humanity.
A Path of Service & Empowerment
The doors to the Mystery School are open to anyone who feels called to walk this path of higher service and progression. When we talk about service, it is more than just being a good person and doing good deeds. That’s important in this world, and we should all be doing this. But service, in this lineage means something more specific. It is supporting another in unwrapping the mystery of the Self. In coming to know who they are as a divine being. This is not something that can be taught. It’s not just as a concept. It is supporting an alchemical shift, an awakening within. As we come to recognize our true self as a divine being.
The tools within this lineage empower us to make this connection for ourselves. When we step into service, we are facilitating and supporting another person who chooses to walk that path and see themselves more clearly. As Guides and Healers and Ritual Masters, our job is to hold the door open, so those who seek more light and progression within their lives may walk through it, and find it for themselves.
This is a path that has existed throughout the ages, handing down the keys from teacher to student for thousands of years. The lineage has been preparing for this time, when we can collectively make a shift as humanity. To wake up to who we truly are, our power, and align with the light so we may transform the planet into a more harmonious, and peaceful world for all.
About the Author: Genevieve Wachutka
Genevieve Wachutka is a Guide & Healer with the Modern Mystery School, and is on a mission to make the world a better place for all. As we cultivate peace within, we become more powerful, positive agents of change in the world.
The focus of this work is to help people live beyond the box, and realize the vast reach of their potential. Genevieve works within an ancient, time tested system of metaphysical tools and teachings, with energy healing, meditation, and classes to tap into greater self-awareness, and live in alignment with who you truly are.
The Modern Mystery School is an international community of individuals from all walks of life joined in the mission of empowerment. Learn more about upcoming programs at the Western World headquarters in Toronto, Canada.